Archive for the 'adoption' Category deploys MicroID courtesy of Laconica

Thursday, July 31st, 2008

The :

I saw today that Mike Cochrane added MicroID support to the open source micro-blogging project, Laconica, a few days ago. His own ‘tweet’ or ‘dent’ about the patch is at and sure enough, his account was .

Good stuff Mike.

Another win for MicroID - and so is duly added to our list of . However, in actuality, any Laconica installation is now MicroID enabled. As more of these sites come online, please let us know and we’ll get them listed as well.

MyBlogLog and WeeWar publishing MicroIDs

Sunday, April 13th, 2008

MyBlogLog has just started publishing MicroIDs (and FOAF) for member pages at


has also started publishing MicroIDs and some XFN.  You can see Alexander Kohlhofer’s profile at .

Great work!

Plaxo now publishing MicroIDs

Thursday, January 24th, 2008

Plaxo has just pushed live their MicroID implementation at


Another notch on the MicroID belt.

Today we add to the list of . Welcome, Plaxo! And thanks !

You can see it in action in the head of any page with the pattern

Plaxo will create and publish a MicroID for each of your verified email addresses in your account. You need to visit and claim your NICKNAME.

MicroID Gem for Ruby

Monday, October 29th, 2007

Antono Vasiljev alerts us to his MicroID Gem for Ruby:

I’ve just implemented MicroID module in ruby.

Let’s add semantic to the web!

$ wget
$ sudo gem install microid-0.0.1.gem

Thank you Antonio!

MicroID Module for Drupal

Wednesday, September 12th, 2007

Via Terrell Russell, news of a MicroID module for Drupal

I’ve been working with Tane Piper over the last couple days over IRC tweaking his (getting it Version .3 compatible).

He has implemented node-level and comment-level MicroIDs that appear both in the meta tags of the page and are then rendered into the node divs and comment divs directly via jQuery.

The jQuery is fired via javascript after the DOM is loaded, so currently, DOM-unaware spiders/parsers will not be able to see the node and comment-level MicroIDs. That said, I’m not aware of any MicroID parsers that aren’t working only at the page level (full URL, not sub-content *on* the page).

Additionally, the Drupal-generated user profile pages have MicroIDs.

His implementation is live on his site - Digital Spaghetti.

His code can be found on the Drupal site - Drupal MicroID module.

Great news! Download the Drupal MicroID module here.

Perl Module for MicroID

Tuesday, July 31st, 2007

Jim Walker was kind enough to create a perl module for MicroID, which you can now download from our code repository.

31d9367f8535ba0a667ad970b24d30f3  MicroID-0.01.tar.gz

Thank you to Jim for his work on this Module!

MediaUK Supports MicroID

Sunday, June 10th, 2007

, the UK media directory, has enabled support of MicroID on their site.  This will allow people who have MediaUK profiles to effortlessly transfer their reputation to services like ClaimID or Wink - or anyone else that consumes MicroID’s.  Congrats to MediaUK on this implementation - it seems like a great match for the service. to Support MicroID

Tuesday, August 15th, 2006

Terrell Russell blogs this great news - will include MicroID’s on people’s user pages.  In a post to the forum, developers state that MicroID will be rolled live in a month or so.  Very exciting news from!

More Sightings

Tuesday, July 18th, 2006

M. David Peterson loves the simplicity of MicroIDs. And Terrell Russell is encouraging various providers to use MicroIDs to show page ownership on the ‘net.

Keep those cards and letters coming! :-)

Another Sighting

Thursday, July 6th, 2006

The good folks at contacted us to let us know that they are MicroIDs.

Keep those cards and letters coming!