Archive for January, 2008 publishing MicroIDs

Tuesday, January 29th, 2008

In a post this morning, Digg announces MicroID publication on all their user profiles:

Digg already supports many of the open standards that let you use your data on sites other than Digg, including RSS, OPML, and hCard. We use RDF to embed the Creative Commons public domain dedication into each page. Just this week, we added MicroID, a Microformat that lets you prove to other services that you own your Digg user profile. We’ll be adding more open standards, such as OpenID, APML, OAuth, and XFN, in the coming months.

A big week for MicroID.

Plaxo now publishing MicroIDs

Thursday, January 24th, 2008

Plaxo has just pushed live their MicroID implementation at


Another notch on the MicroID belt.

Today we add to the list of . Welcome, Plaxo! And thanks !

You can see it in action in the head of any page with the pattern

Plaxo will create and publish a MicroID for each of your verified email addresses in your account. You need to visit and claim your NICKNAME.