Archive for September, 2007

MicroID Module for Drupal

Wednesday, September 12th, 2007

Via Terrell Russell, news of a MicroID module for Drupal

I’ve been working with Tane Piper over the last couple days over IRC tweaking his (getting it Version .3 compatible).

He has implemented node-level and comment-level MicroIDs that appear both in the meta tags of the page and are then rendered into the node divs and comment divs directly via jQuery.

The jQuery is fired via javascript after the DOM is loaded, so currently, DOM-unaware spiders/parsers will not be able to see the node and comment-level MicroIDs. That said, I’m not aware of any MicroID parsers that aren’t working only at the page level (full URL, not sub-content *on* the page).

Additionally, the Drupal-generated user profile pages have MicroIDs.

His implementation is live on his site - Digital Spaghetti.

His code can be found on the Drupal site - Drupal MicroID module.

Great news! Download the Drupal MicroID module here.